Thursday, September 6, 2012

It happened about a month ago when one of my dear friends, Scarlett, declared that she wanted a boyfriend. She was the type to find maybe the right guy, but deep down just wanted her for her body. Most of the time, that would be her intent as well. This day though she told me she had had enough of not having a true relationship with someone, that she wanted a boyfriend. At the time I was also single, but quite fine with the idea. Two weeks ago she had finally gained a boyfriend who seems to care for her dearly. As both of us in a relationship and both finding out we need our 'guys' from time to time, a question popped up between us. Were these men that we thought so much about and couldn't get out of our heads our soul mates?

Who are these soul mates people say that's out there for us? And are they truly real?

To be quite honest I would love the idea of my current boyfriend being my soul mate. In fact I know many of us women and men would love the fact that our boyfriend or girlfriends were. How do we know? And of course how do we not know?
Another one of my friends, Topaz, ended her relationship with her boyfriend some time ago. Knowing from other friends, I knew she was going through the normal denial people have when they break up their "other half". She wondered if she had made the right choice and that she wasn't giving away her soul mate. She asked this even when she felt something was wrong between them both. I even asked her if she believed in having a soul mate out there somewhere. She told me she believed there was at least that one special person out there for us. Quite certain I say everyone has this same concept in their mind and heart. Undoubtedly when he called or texted her to take him back she wondered again if she was giving up her soul mate. If he thought they were meant to be together, should she have thought so to?
To have a soul mate, would you both have to believe it? Is it some kind of cosmic thing that binds us together as couples or partnerships? It's like those jobs we interview for. We have that deep down feeling that it is perfect for us, but don't pass the interview. We never get the job. Or perhaps we do receive that dream job we always fantasized about, yet it's never perfect. Relationships could be the same way. If it doesn't work out you move on and search for that other dream job, instead we sit and ponder if it was the right choice. We use that handy dandy pros and cons list. Even these lists don't work half the time.
I would admit I love the idea of having a soul mate, but the idea that if I do something wrong or not make the right time to find them seems almost ridiculous. If someone was my soul mate, wouldn't in time I would find this person? Wouldn't we both be able to think, "This is my soul mate, my one and only", without contemplating it? If someone was truly our soul mate wouldn't we not have that wondering feeling, little voice saying its wrong, or a hesitant feeling of our actions? Even so we still question it knowing it's not an absolute feeling. Perhaps it's one of the many reasons why we fall in love so fast.... in fear we won't find that special someone.
Anyone who does find that soul mate in the end, I congratulate them. Perhaps we do have that special someone, soul mate, or that other half. And also perhaps not all soul mates are our lovers either. Maybe just maybe our soul mate could be our sister, brother, or best friend.
To tell you the truth the only thing special I want from my soul mate, is that I can be myself around them anytime I want to and not feel ashamed or embarrassed.

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